
In 1965, Willis Harman, later to become president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and Robert
Mogar, Associate Professor of Psychology, San Francisco State College, gained the agreement of
the Administration of San Francisco State College to set up The Institute of Psychedelic Research.
The Administration was  impressed with the potential psychedelic substances offer for
investigating a great variety of fields, and felt that it would be a  notable undertaking for the
college.  As a smaller, more unified organization, they could more readily make the decision to
proceed in a field still held to be controversial than could larger institutions.

Unfortunately, the turmoil created by Timothy Leary in his open advocacy of psychedelics and his
low regard for the encrustation he perceived in many of our institutions, generated enormous
resistance in the academic world.  This caused San Francisco State College to reverse their decision
despite the fact that the brochure below had already been printed.  Negotiations with other granting
agencies to support further research at the International Foundation for Advanced Study in Menlo
Park, California, were also terminated.

The following brochure describes the substantial potential psychedelic drugs can offer, based upon a
great deal of experience that had been gathered in the previous decade by knowledgeable
investigators.  The successful use of psychedelics depends more on the depth of humanity of
the investigator than upon academic credentials, a condition not understandable or acceptable to a
broad spectrum of academia.  This attitude, plus the widespread growth of illicit use of psychedelics, led ultimately to their being made illegal and the effective shutdown of all research with these
substances for over three decades.

But the premises and potential set forth in this brochure are still as true today or moreso as they were in 1965.  It is hoped that the dissemination of accurate information, along with increasing pressure to
find effective solutions to the ills of the world, will one day open the door to the kinds of programs
described below.

From the study of the past it is evident that, throughout the ages, individuals and communities have repeatedly come upon the creative factors and forces at work in the human psyche. Great philosophies and great religions have time and again come into being as an outcome of such discoveries; and for a while stirred men to the depths. But as often as the discoveries have been made they have again been lost.

In this present age there is the possibility of making the discoveries in a new way: not as an outcome of some special revelation or extraordinary insight on the part of one man or a small body of men, but in the form of direct personal experience of a considerable number of intelligent men and women directing their awareness upon the inner world. For the first time in history, the scientific spirit of inquiry, the free search for truth, is being turned upon the other side of consciousness.

In place of a priori dogma there is a growing body of empirically established experience; experience which can be progressively funded, as our experience of the outer world has been funded, and its meaning learnt. Because of this, there is good prospect that the discoveries can this time be held: and so become, now and henceforward, no longer the lost secret but the living heritage of man.

P.W. Martin, author of Experiment in Depth



The psychedelic (mind manifesting) chemical agents give promise of being of great value in helping to cure many of the ills of modern civilization. As exploratory tools for learning more about the potentialities of the human mind, as means for enhancing mental effectiveness, as educational aids to man's seeing himself in clearer perspective, as remarkably versatile implements to psychotherapy, their present and future uses constitute a wide field for investigation. The research program described herein comprises a thorough exploration of these techniques and potentialities.

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My own belief is that, though they may start by being something of an embarrassment, these new mind changers (the psychedelics) the long run...make it possible for large numbers of men and women to achieve a radical self transcendence and a deeper understanding of the nature of things.

Aldous Huxley, in Adventures of the Mind, Knopf, 1959

I believe that (these psychedelics) have a part to play in our survival as a species. For that survival depends as much on our opinion of our fellows and ourselves as on any other single thing. The psychedelics help us to explore and fathom our own nature... I believe that the psychedelics provide a chance, perhaps only a slender one, for homo faber, the cunning, ruthless, foolhardy, pleasure-greedy toolmaker, to merge into that other creature whose presence we have so rashly presumed, homo sapiens, the wise, the understanding, the compassionate, in whose fourfold vision art, politics, science, and religion are one.

Humphry Osmond, Director of the New Jersey Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry, in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 66, 1957, p. 418

LSD...can provide us with...a new experience which will enlarge our horizon and give a new meaning to life. These experiences are a part not just of therapy, but of life.

Donald D. Jackson, Director, Mental Research Institute Palo Alto, California, in Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases vol. 135 (1962) p.435

LSD is the most incisive, potent and useful tool ever discovered for the investigation of the motives, thought processes and emotional workings of the human individual... It offers psychological research the key to a much enhanced understanding of the nature and operation of the human mind.

Duncan Blewett, Professor of Psychology, University of Saskatchewan (Regina)

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Robert E. Mogar


Associate Professor, Department of Psychology


San Francisco State College



Willis W. Harman 
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering 
Stanford University



Robert E. Mogar, Ph.D.
San Francisco State College 


Willis W. Harman, Ph.D.
Stanford University 


Sterling Bunnell, M.D.
Mt. Zion Hospital Psychiatric Clinic 


Robert H. McKim, B.I.D.
Stanford University 


James Watt, M.D.
International Foundation for Advanced Study



Gardner Murphy 
Director of Research, The Menninger Foundation 


Abram Hoffer 
Director of Psychiatric Research, Province of Saskatchewan 


Humphry Osmond 
Director, New Jersey Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry


Abraham Maslow 
Professor of Psychology, Brandeis University 


James A. Pike Bishop 
Episcopal Diocese of California


Frank Barron 
Research Psychologist, University of California at Berkeley

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There is a central human experience which alters all other experiences. It has been called satori in Japanese Zen, moksha in Hinduism, religious enlightenment or cosmic consciousness in the West... (It) is not just an experience among others, but rather the very heart of human experience. It is the center that gives understanding to the whole... Once found, life is altered because the very root of human identify has been deepened... The drug LSD appears to facilitate the discovery of this apparently ancient and universal experience.

Wilson Van Dusen, Chief Clinical Psychologist Mendocino State Hospital, California, in "LSD and the Enlightenment of Zen," Psychologia, vol. 4, 1961

Peak experiences, as I have defined them...have to do with the nature of reality, of man's relation to it, of knowledge of it, and of the values inherent in it... To have a clear preception... that the universe is all of a piece, and that one has his place in it--one is a part of it, one belongs in it--can be so profound and shaking an experience that it can change the person's character and his Weltanschauung forever after...

The very beginning, the intrinsic core, the essence, the universal nucleus of every known high religion has been the private, lonely, personal illumination, revelation, or ecstasy of some acutely sensitive prophet or seer... It has recently begun to appear that these "revelations" or mystical illuminations can be subsumed under the head of the "peak-experiences" or
"transcendent" experiences which are now being eagerly investigated by many psychologists... In a word, we can study today...these older reports, phrased in terms of supernatural revelation, and... by so doing, we are enabled to examine religion in all its facets and in all its meanings in a way that makes it part of science rather than something outside and exclusive of it... In the last few years it has become quite clear that certain drugs called "psychedelic," especially LSD and psiIocybin,...often produce peak-experiences in the right people under the right circumstances.

Abraham Maslow, Professor of Psychology, Brandeis University, in Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences , Ohio State University Press, 1964

Science develops through the development of instruments which make new classes of evidence available... (One such instrument is) the psychedelics...various leaf-and mushroom-derived drugs.. notably mescaline, psilocybin and LSD...that have been used since preliterate times,... which enhance the sense of meaning or vitality, or beauty and sheer intensify of existence...
Quite aside from absolutely all interpretations whatever, to say the very least, these (psychedelic) experiences alter man's conception of himself and the world... They are a way of looking at the cosmos, and therefore belong to the central core of man's needs as a thoughtful being.

Gardner Murphy, Director of Research, The Menninger Foundation, in "Human Psychology in the Context of the New Knowledge," Main Currents, vol. 21, March-April 1965

Page 4

As the accompanying quotations attest, few scientific developments have excited as much interest in recent years as the discovery of the "psychedelic" or "consciousness-expanding" drugs. Their potential theoretical, as well as practical, importance has evoked similarly extravagant statements from more than a few investigators.

Introduction of a minute quantity of one of these substances into the body acts as a trigger to alter the boundary between conscious and unconscious mental processes, permitting the person to look more deeply and understandingly into the recesses of his own mind. These psychedelic ("mind-manifesting") chemical agents have long been known in various natural forms--as alkaloids found in certain cacti mushrooms, seeds, etc. They have been used in the spiritual exercises of many religious groups, both ancient and modern, primitive and sophisticated, to assist man to reveal his mind to himself and to help him reach greatly cherished heightened levels of awareness and consciousness. In recent years these substances have played an increasingly important role in psychotherapy.

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Extensive clinical studies of therapy centering around the psychedelic experience have indicated reliable and consistently observed changes. Based on clinical ratings, subjective reports, follow-up interviews, and personality test data, these personality and behavior changes include:

Positive changes in work effectiveness and marital harmony are frequently reported. Values and beliefs are found to consistently alter in a direction reflecting:

These results indicate that the psychedelic experience can be of value in facilitating change in the direction of open-mindedness, creativity, and self-actualization.

Essentially similar results have been reported by investigators in many countries of Europe, North and South America, and on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Therapists of widely different theoretical persuasions have claimed positive changes in LSD therapy. These include Freudian, Jungian, behavioristic, existentialist, and a variety of eclectic orientations.

The psychedelic drugs have been applied therapeutically, with varying degrees of reported success, to a range of conditions from juvenile delinquency and childhood schizophrenia to relief of pain and anxiety in terminal illness. Included are such costly social problems as alcoholism, drug addiction, chronic criminal behavior, suicide, divorce and family disruption, and general neurotic disturbances. Despite great diversity in the conduct of the over three hundred clinical studies which have been reported, impressive improvement rates are almost uniformly claimed. In Canada, where LSD has been widely used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism, figures of from 35% to 65% have been asserted for the percentage of alcoholics reaching sustained sobriety following a single large-dose LSD session. The director of the Saskatchewan Bureau on Alcoholism has stated: "LSD is the most useful discovery in the field of alcoholism since Alcoholics Anonymous." Other chronic conditions, resistant to conventional forms of therapy, for which favorable outcomes of LSD therapy have been claimed include sexual deviations, criminal psychopathy, autism, narcotic addiction, stuttering, and adolescent behavior disorders.

Yet many questions remain to be answered, For each of these therapeutic applications careful verification studies need to be made. Criteria of improvement have to be carefuIly defined, factors affecting outcomes determined, results substantiated through comparison of the treatment group with a control group, and adequate follow-up data gathered. Such a thorough evaluation has been attempted only in the single case of the treatment of alcoholism.

The therapeutic process itself is inadequately understood. The efficacy of the psychedelic-drug experience is well recognized to be affected by a multitude of factors, including the person's past

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history and personality characteristics, the set and expectancies of both drug taker and drug administrator, and the physical and psychological environment within which the transaction takes place. But as yet little is known regarding the specific ways in which these various factors affect the nature and outcomes of the experience.

The long-term behavior and personality changes which follow these drug experiences seem to be accompanied by or perhaps preceded by a change in the person's self image, in the way he appears to and is judged by himself. This suggests one way of viewing the often-asked question of how a single chemical substance can be alleviative to a widely varied assortment of conditions. It is probably in terms of the revised self image, rather than in terms of specific biochemical effects of the drug, that the therapeutic changes and actualizations of latent potentialities will ultimately come to be explained. But present theoretical formulations are admittedly inadequate for elucidating the process of change.


Still less thoroughly explored than the therapeutic applications are those more precisely termed educational. One of the most important of these is as a basic research tool for investigating higher mental processes. Barron, in his recent book "Creativity and Psychological Health," describes likenesses between psilocybin-induced experiences and certain phases of the creative process, and suggests the research potentialities of the psychedelics in studying creativity. Elsewhere their use has been proposed to further understanding of intuitive ability, empathic communication, imagination, memory, and perception (including modes of perception which appear to be extrasensory).
Another relatively unexplored use is in individual and group situations directed toward long-term enhancement of creative and executive capacities. Clinical reports on effects of psychedelic experience on release of creative imagination, on raised self image and increased self-confldence, and on emotional stability and clarity of thinking under stress, suggest such use in creativity training and executive development programs. Preliminary results with groups of artists, design engineers, and executives have been promising.

A somewhat different use is based on the findings of some investigators that marked temporary enhancement of performance can be achieved during the period (one to several hours) of most pronounced affect of the drug. This improved performance has been observed on tasks involving perception (for example, of other persons' thoughts and feelings), learning (of a language, for instance) symbolic thinking and visual imagination (as in some engineering design problems), empathic communication (in group decision making), and even certain types of motor skills (such as playing a musical instrument). (Again, many factors are involved besides the drug alone, as is indicated by the fact that other investigators using psychedelics under different conditions report impaired performance in these same respects.) Although knowledge here is meager as yet, potential uses in individual and group problem-solving sessions seem clearly indicated.

It was to explore these applications, and to obtain better answers to some of the questions in dispute, that a group of San Francisco Bay Area scientists formed, in June,1965, the Institute for Psychedelic Research. Although this Institute is newly organized, in fact its activities represent a continuation of work carried on for nearly ten years, and on its staff are some of the pioneers of research in the field of the psychedelic agents.

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In 1956 a small group of individuals, in and around Stanford University, became aware of reports from certain Canadian investigators (A.M. Hubbard and Humphry Osmond in particular) regarding the remarkable characteristics and abilities of the human mind made manifest through the relatively unknown chemical substance LSD-25. Informal personal explorations seemed to corroborate these reports, so a non-profit research foundation was set up under the somewhat inscrutable name of the International Foundation for Advanced study. Further informal researches were carried on for several years. In 1961 offices were opened in Menlo Park, California, including two rooms especially furnished for conducting sessions with the psychedelic drugs. A carefully designed program of clinical research was initiated, including extensive testing and multiple clinical evaluations.

Over the next three and a half years extensive data was gathered on approximately 350 patients who went through a one-month therapy program consisting of preparatory interviews and brief induced altered-consciousness experiences, followed by a single, relatively large-dose psychedelic experience. Clinical and test data were gathered at the beginning of the program, immediately following the psychedelic session a month later, and again at two months and six months post-session. The results of this evaluation of psychedelic therapy are reported in a series of published papers (see Bibiography Section). In summary, they showed conclusively that this brief therapy program, on the whole, resulted in demonstrable changes in the direction of more adequate functioning and reduced psychic discomfort. The most consistent tendencies were greater spontaneity of emotional expression and increased self confidence. These changes were considerably greater, on the whole, than in comparable studies of conventional verbal therapy of longer duration, as evaluated using the same test instruments. The extent of change varied considerably from one individual to another, being strongly affected by personality characteristics and post-session environment.

This clinical study left open such questions as whether other investigators could replicate the results, and what are the relative contributions of the various ingredients in the process--preparatory sessions, expectations and enthusiasm of the therapist, environment during the LSD session, dosage, and so on. Controlled research to obtain the answers to such questions is now being carried on at several government and state hospitals. This research has been strongly influenced by the earlier clinical work of the Menlo Park group, and in some cases is being guided by staff members who received training in psychedelic therapy in the IFAS program.

Meanwhile it was becoming increasingly clear that some university connected structure like the Institute for Psychedelic Research was needed to facilitate the expansion of research efforts. This expansion was desired both in the direction of controlled basic research on the dynamics of change in personality, learning, perception, etc.,  and also in the application of psychedelic techniques in such areas as understanding and enhancement of creative and intuitive faculties, improvement of managerial effectiveness, and studies of unexplored potentialities of human mental processes. Earlier clinical research had already been carried out under the auspices of the Psychology Department of San Francisco State College, and the climate there seemed most propitious to realizing the aims of the new Institute.

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Most of the ongoing and recent research on the psychedelics has been carried on in government and state hospitals, and in academic departments of psychology, psychiatry, pharmacology, and anthropology. The published reports which have issued from this research tend to be of three types:

1. Psychopharmacological studies in which, being oriented toward a search for reactions characteristic of the drugs under scrutiny, investigators have failed to control, assess, or systematically vary other relevant non-drug parameters (subjects' personality characteristics, expectancies of subject and administrator, physical and psychological setting, etc.).

2. Behavioral studies of changes in perception and performance during the drug-induced state, again usually without adequately taking into account extra-drug variables, and generally overlooking the long-term effects which become apparent only a considerable time after the psychedelic experience.

3. Clinical studies of long-term behavior and personality pattern changes subsequent to the psychedelic experience, in which greater attention is paid to the preparation of the subject and to the setting, but which generally employ diffuse, subjective or imprecisely defined criteria of behavior change, and often lack adequate control procedures to inspire confidence in the results.

Foremost among the objectives of the new Institute is to carry out the broader types of research projects needed to extend this work. These will combine the advantages of the above approaches while avoiding their limitations.

The interdisciplinary, inter-institutional framework of the Institute was chosen for several reasons:

1. To obtain fuller recognition within the scientific and academic communities of a relatively new field of research.

2. To obtain a greater degree of cross-fertilization with regard to: (a) various interdisciplinary viewpoints--psychology, psychiatry, anthropology, biochemistry, neurophysiology, psychopharmacology, the creative arts; (b) various methods of inquiry--controlled laboratory experiments, natural experiment with some variables impracticable to control, sample survey, case study, etc.

3. To protect exploratory research in a controversial area where the limited viewpoints, conceptual models, and scientific methodology of any one discipline may tend to discourage types of research not easily accommodated within the confines of that discipline.

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The initial program of research will comprise three types of activity as briefly described below:

1. Experimental Research

The major initial research project is to be a comprehensive study of the effect of the psychedelic experience on selected processes of perception, learning, and personality. Subjects will be intelligent adults, predominantly with professional backgrounds, screened for excessive emotional disturbance. Three experimental groups will receive one, two, and three LSD sessions respectively, under the most favorable conditions practicable. A control group will receive an active placebo under similar conditions. Before the sessions, and at various time intervals after the sessions, all subiects will be administered a battery of performance tests. These have been chosen on the basis of their precision and reliability, and also because of the relevance of the measured quantities to current theoretical constructs regarding personality and behavior. They include, for example, the Holtzman Inkblot test, Rod-and-Frame Test of field independence, Galvanic Skin Response measure of emotional lability, EEG alpha activity, and conditioned eyelid response. This study relates directly to the question of how much the psychedelic experience can improve long-term performance effectiveness. It is expected to provide definitive answers in a controversial area where no such answers are available.

A second project will attempt to assess the extent to which, with experienced subjects and under favorable conditions, performance levels during the peak hours of the LSD session may be enhanced beyond the person's normal abilities. In this study subjects will act as their own controls, being asked to attempt the same (or equivalent) tasks before, during, and some time after the session. Since motivation is such an essential ingredient in performance level, interesting tasks have been chosen and subjects will be urged to make as good a showing as they possibly can. However, they will be led to believe that this project is part of the study of long-term consequences, and hence that the experimenter desires that their performance level be highest on the third (post-session) testing. As a further control against a misleading elevated score resulting from the subject's desire to please the experimenter, some of the tests (e.g. Holtzman Inkblot, Meiers Art Appreciation) will be of a sort such that the subject can not tell when he is performing more or less "well." The primary significance of this project is as an objective check on reports that LSD subjects are sometimes able to perform certain kinds of tasks with a dexterity, fluency, or creative ability which they do not ordinarily manifest.

A third experimental study will comprise an attempt to assess the differences among the various psychedelic agents (including a number of new synthetic ones) as regards the types of subjective experience they tend to facilitate. Different drugs have established reputations for leading toward hallucinatory, retrocognitive, regressive, extrasensory, mystical, etc., kinds of experience. No systematic attempt has been made to verify that these differences are still observed when the effects of varying expectations and settings are canceled out. Experienced subjects will be used in this project. Sessions will be given to groups of four, with each subject receiving an equivalent (in terms of activity) dosage of a different psychedelic agent. Neither the session monitor nor the subjects will know what chemicals are being administered. Post-session reports will be in the form of an extensive subjective-experience

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inventory; the monitors' observations will also be recorded. The significance of this project is its relationship to the longer-range problem of the relationship between chemical structure of a psychedelic agent and its psychological effects.

2. Exploratory Research and Pilot Studies

Current exploratory research will be continued, including specifically:

3. Educational and Training Programs

Informal and formal programs of an educational and training nature will also constitute a part of the Institute's activities. These will include:


Areas in which future research may be undertaken include the following:

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The conviction continues to grow among Western scientists that the conscious part of man's mental activity constitutes but a minute fraction of the whole. In the immediately post-Freudian era the emphasis was on unconscious motivation, on powerful and relentless innate forces pushing toward expression, on repression from awareness of that which the individual could not afford to recognize. In more recent years interest has turned to nonconscious processes relating to creative and intuitive abilities. Since the pioneering work of William James and F.W.H. Myers, and with marked crescendo in the past decade, there has been increased attention given and significance attached to altered states of consciousness and to explorations of the subliminal activities of the human mind. This new interest is manifest in recent developments in such diverse areas of investigation as psychotherapy, creativity, dreams, sensory isolation, and hypnosis.

In the two decades since the consciousness-altering properties of LSD were discovered, research in Canada, Europe, and the U.S. has made it abundantly clear this and the other psychedelic substances constitute an exceptionally potent and versatile tool. Their potential worth and significance is amply indicated by the clinic data cited earlier. With their ability to aid man in seeing himself, his values and his behavior in new perspective; in freeing himself from disadvantageous patterns of thought and action; and in releasing untapped resources, they promise new and effective approach to a host of individual and social problems.

WiIliam James has aptly summarized the overall problem to which the Institute for Psychedelic Research addresses itself. "I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellec-tually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul's resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger .... The so-called normal man a mere extract from the potentially realizable individual whom he represents, and we all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream. The practical problem is 'how to get at them."

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Associate Professor of Psychology, San Francisco State College


Director, Institute for Psychedelic Research


Mt. Zion Hospital Psychiatric Clinic, San Francisco.


Assistant Professor of Psychology, San Francisco State College.


Professor, Department of Electrlcal Engineering, Stanford University;


Associate Director, Institute for Psychedelic Research.


Assistant Professor of Psychology, San Francisco State College.


Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Design), 
Stanford University.


President, International Foundation for Advanced Study,
Menlo Park, California.


Practicing psychiatrist; Medical Director, International Foundation for 
Advanced Study.



List of relevant publications


IPR staff members

Sherwood, J.N., Stolaroff, M., and Harman, W.W., "The Psychedelic Experience--A New Concept in Psychotherapy," J. Neuropsychiatry, 4:69-80, 1962.

Shulgin, A.T., Bunnell, S., and Sargent, T., "The Psychotomimetic Properties of 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine," Nature 189:1011 , 1961.

Savage, C., Stolaroff, M., Harman, W.W., and Fadiman, J., "Caveat! The Psychedelic Experience," J. Neuropsychiatry, 5:4-5, 1963.

Harman, W.W., "The Issue of the Consciousness-Expanding Drugs," Main Currents in Modern Thought, 20:5-14, 1963.

Harman, W.W., "Some Aspects of the Psychedelic-Drug Controversy," J. Humanistic Psychology, 3:93-107, 1963.

Savage, C., Savage, E., Fadiman, J., and Harman, W.W., "LSD: Therapeutic Effects of the Psychedelic Experience," Psychological Reports, 14:111 -120, 1964.

Mogar, R., and Savage, C., "Personality Change Associated with Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy: A Preliminary Report," Psychotherapy, 1:154-162, 1964.

Barron, F., Jarvik, M., and Bunnell, S., "The Hallucinogenic Drugs," Sci. American 210-29, 1964.

Savage, C., Hughes, Mary A., and Mogar, R., "The Effectiveness of Psychedelic Therapy," Int. J. Social Psychiatry, in press.

Savage, C., Fadiman, J., Mogar, R., and Allen, Mary Hughes, "Process and Outcome Variables in Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy," Proc. Second Int. Conf. on LSD in Psychotherapy, Amityville, N.Y., May 8-10, 1965, in press (H .A. Abramson ed .).

Savage, C. and Stolaroff, M.J., "Clarifying the Confusion Regarding LSD-25," J. Nerv. Men. Dis., 140: 218-221, 1965.

Mogar, R.E., "The Psychedelic Drugs and Human Potentialities," in Explorations in Human Potentialities, H.A. Otto, ed., Springfield, IL.: Charles C. Thomas, 1965.

Mogar, R.E., "Current Trends in Psychedelic Research," J. Humanistic Psychology, 5: (Sept. 1965), in press.

Fadiman, J., "Behavior Change Following Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy," Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University, 1965.

Harman, W.W., Fadiman J., and Mogar, R., "The Value-Belief Q-Sort," manuscript in preparation.

Other review papers and books

Cohen, S., The Beyond Within: The LSD Story, New York: Atheneum, 1965.

Levine, L. and Ludwig, A.M., "The LSD Controversy," Comprehensive Psychiatry, 5:314-321, 1964.

Osmond, H., "A Review of the Clinical Effects of Psychotomimetic Agents," Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 66:418-434, 1957.

Schmiege, G.R., Jr., "LSD as a Therapeutic Tool," J. Med. Soc. New Jersey, 60:203-207, 1963.

Unger, S.M., "Mescaline, LSD, Psilocybin, and Personality Change," Psychiatry, 26:111-125, 1963.

Solomon, D. (ed.), LSD: The Consciousness-Expanding Drug, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1964.

Hoffer, A., "D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD): A Review of its Present Status,'' Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 6:183-255, 1965.

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